This section of the website is currently under development.
Gaming Reference
- draws a stage on the canvas with the given color. The stage border can be used for collision detection with game objects to keep them within the canvas.
- returns the bounds of the canvas within an object that has x
, y
, width
, and height
data values.
Picture { turtle drawing }
- creates a picture out of a turtle shape.
- creates a picture from an image file.
- draws the given picture on the canvas. Just creating a picture does not draw it. The creation via a function and the drawing via a command are separate operations.
pic.translate(x, y)
- moves the picture named pic
on the canvas by the given amount.
- rotates the picture around its origin by the given angle.
pic.rotateAboutPoint(x, y, angle)
- rotates the picture by the given angle around the given (x, y) in the local coordinate system of the picture.
pic.setPosition(x, y)
- sets the position of the picture named pic
to be the given (x, y) on the canvas.
- checks to see if pic
is in collision with otherPic
pic.onMouseClick { { (x, y) => code }
- runs the given code when the mouse is clicked on the picture. The code has access to the (x, y) of the mouse click.
bouncePicVectorOffStage(pic, vel)
- computes a new velocity for pic
moving with velocity
that collides with the stage border.
Vector2D(x, y)
- creates a vector with the two given components. The vector specifies a magnitude and a direction.
animate { code }
- schedules your code to be called approximately fifty times per second.