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Picture Graphics Reference

Picture Creation

Function Description
Picture {turtle drawing code} Creates a picture from the given turtle drawing.
Picture.line(width, height) Creates a picture of a line with the given width and height.
Picture.rectangle(width, height) Creates a picture of a rectangle with the given width and height.
Picture.circle(radius) Creates a picture of a circle with the given radius. The center of the circle is at (0, 0)
Picture.ellipse(xRadius, yRadius) Creates a picture of an ellipse with the given xRadius and yRadius. The center of the ellipse is at (0, 0)
Picture.ellipseInRect(width, height) Creates a picture of an ellipse with the given width and height.
Picture.point Creates a picture of a point.
Picture.arc(radius, angle) Creates a picture of an arc with the given radius and angle. The center of the arc is at (0, 0).
Picture.text(string) Creates a picture with the given text.
Picture.hgap(width) Creates an invisible picture with the given width. This can be useful during picture layout
Picture.vgap(width) Creates an invisible picture with the given height. This can be useful during picture layout
Picture.image(fileName) Creates a picture with the image in the given file.
Picture.image(url) Creates a picture with the image at the given file link.
Picture.image(image) Creates a picture with the given image.

Picture Transformation

Transformation Object/function Method/command
rotate rot(angle) -> pic pic.rotate(angle)
scale scale(f) -> pic pic.scale(f)
translate (in its local coordinate system) trans(x, y) -> pic pic.translate(x, y)
translate (in its parent’s coordinate system) offset(x, y) -> pic pic.offset(x, y)
position at a given location offset(x, y) -> pic (one time) pic.setPosition(x, y)
change pen color penColor(color) -> pic pic.setPenColor(color)
change pen thickness penThickness(t) -> pic pic.setPenThickness(t)
set no pen noPen -> pic pic.setNoPen()
change fill color fillColor(color) -> pic pic.setFillColor(color)
set opacity opac(o) -> pic pic.setOpacity(o)

Picture Layout

Layout type Function for layout (with centering) Function for layout (without centering)
stack - one over the other picStackCentered(pic1, pic2, ...) picStack(pic1, pic2, ...)
row - left to right picRowCentered(pic1, pic2, ...) picRow(pic1, pic2, ...)
column - bottom to top picColCentered(pic1, pic2, ...) picCol(pic1, pic2, ...)

Picture Effects

Picture Drawing

  • draw(pic) - draws the picture.
  • pic.draw() - similar to the above.
  • drawCentered(pic) - draws the picture centered in the canvas.


  • Picture.showAxes(pic)
  • Picture.showAxes(pic1, pic2, ...)
  • Picture.showBounds(pic)
  • Picture.showBounds(pic1, pic2, ...)

Picture Animation

animate { } loop.

Transformations useful during animation and gaming:

  • pic.invisible() - hides pic.
  • pic.visible() - makes hidden pic visible again.
  • pic.erase() - erases pic and removes it from the canvas.

Picture Collisions

  • pic.collidesWith(stageBorder) - returns true if pic has collided with the stage border. bouncing off the stage.
  • pic.collidesWith(other: Picture) - returns true if pic has collided with other.
  • pic.collisions(others: Set[Picture]) - returns the subset of pictures within others that pic has collided with.
  • pic.collision(others: Seq[Picture]) - returns an Option with the first picture in others that pic has collided with.
  • bouncePicOffStage(pic, vel) - for a picture pic moving with velocity vel - this function returns the velocity after
  • bouncePicOffPic(pic: Picture, vel: Vector2D, obstacle: Picture)- for a picture pic moving with velocity vel - this function returns the velocity after bouncing off obstacle.

Picture Event Handling

  • pic.onMouseClick { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse is clicked inside the picture.
  • pic.onMousePress { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse is pressed inside the picture.
  • pic.onMouseRelease { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse is released inside the picture.
  • pic.onMouseMove { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse moves inside the picture.
  • pic.onMouseDrag { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse is dragged inside the picture.
  • pic.onMouseEnter { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse enters the picture.
  • pic.onMouseExit { (x, y) => handler code } - The supplied code is called, with the current mouse position as input, when the mouse exits the picture.

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